Working from home wellness tips


Work-from-home Self Care

As a freelance designer, I’m pretty used to working from home. But thanks to Covid-19, society is working from home like never before. I know many who thrive off the office environment and being around their coworkers to stay energised and productive. My partner is also a fellow freelancer and loves to sit and work in cafes all day. He finds the buzz of being around people helps to keep him focused and not sit there procrastinating, which he finds harder at home.

Personally I much prefer working at home where I can create a conducive environment that’s quiet and peaceful to allow me to get my brain focused and concentration. However, working from home also has it’s challenges so I’m here to share some tips about how to keep productive and undistracted as well as taking care of yourself.


Stick to a consistent schedule

I aim to be at my desk by 9am and therefore make sure I go to bed before midnight so I can wake up around 7am feeling refreshed and ready for the day. It’s easy to let morning productivity slip when you’re not used to a work-from-home lifestyle, but get ready for the day as if you’re leaving the house. Routine is a life-saver when it comes to productivity and focus. I like to wake up and do some meditation or reading. A few mornings a week I also like to give myself a little facial massage and basically take a moment to check in and nourish myself before I start the day.

Get dressed!

It’s fine to dress more comfortably than you would in an office but trust me and get out of your pajamas. It’ll help you feel more energised and change your mindset. I always put on a little makeup too, even if I know I’m not going to see anyone. Just to make me feel good and confident which really helps me getting into creative and aspirational space for the day.

Establish a separate workzone

For years my office was my bedroom so I developed the necessary mindset shift from bed to office, but whatever space you are working with, your environment plays a huge part in your mental wellbeing. I also think it’s especially important for creativity and inspiration to keep your space clean and tidy.

Make your bed and make sure your space is clear so you can get on with your work without distractions.Having some plants or greenery around is also very beneficial to uplift the mind and create a sense of life. At certain times of day when I’m feeling tired or sluggish, instead of reaching for another coffee I will burn a lovely scented candle and put on some binaural beats to change the mood and lift my mind.

Take breaks and move your body

Keep an eye on the clock and listen to your body. Remember to take breaks every couple of hours to go for a walk, stretch, or make yourself a cup of tea. The temptation to snack all day when you’re steps away from the kitchen can be a hurdle so stick to 3 meals a day and healthy snacks. I try to make a decision in the morning what I’m going to eat that day and then stick to it, in order to curb mindless grazing. It’s important to stay hydrated so take frequent breaks to get up, stretch and make a hot drink. Try to limit your caffeine intake so your energy doesn’t get zapped. I also make sure to get in one walk a day - either round a park or just a walk in the neighborhood.

Avoid Overworking

I’m still working on this one but it’s a really good idea to clock in and out of your work as if it were an office job. Sometimes I’ll start working at 9am and finish at dinner time. Other days I’ll take a couple of hours off in the afternoon - to go for a long walk, spend time with my partner, go shopping, catch up with a friend - and then do a couple of hours work in the evening.

The beauty of working from home is flexibility and being in control of your own routine. But make it work for you, not against you, and make sure you make time for self-care. Lastly, make sure you do something fun everyday. Work isn’t everything and the key to a happy balance in modern life is simplicity so make sure you do something every day that feeds your soul and nourishes your heart, so you can share those good vibes with others.