Elevated Gifting for Creatives


I love gifting so much that I even thought about pursuing a career at one point. I get excited by beautiful handmade paper and cards, creating bespoke boxes with a theme; like a spa box, a relaxation box, creative box. I love picking out things for people that tell a story and make them feel cherished with personal touches. So I thought it was the perfect time of year to write a little post about gifting ideas for creative people. Enjoy!



Personally I love keeping crystals on my desk and I believe they have many benefits to aid wellness in the studio or workplace. Clear quartz reduces static electricity and neutralises the effects of harmful technology waves and radiation. Amethyst brings relaxation and calm, helping to soothe stressful situations. Citrine is another great option - which instils concentration and focus and is also known as the stone of abundance, helping to manifest success and self-expression. Blue flourite is another favourite, which helps with visualisation, creativity and harmonious communication.



Creatives can all use a well-designed notebook, sketchbook or planner. I love the beautiful hardbound Paperblanks diaries with rustic or embellished covers. Moleskine also do great quality planners and Paperchase has an amazing selection. Gift a diary that is going to be a joy to use daily.


Luxury Candles

Candles make a beautiful gift and and can bring a personal touch to a gift box by choosing a scent you think your friend might benefit from - something to uplift, to relax, to inspire. We love burning candles at home to create a cosy atmosphere and I always keep a candle on my desk to uplift my mind on sleepy afternoons. Some luxury brands I would recommend are Anatome, Neom Organics, Rituals and Diptique for beautiful labels, quality ingredients and long burn-time.


Art Books

Depending on the creative field of your artistic friend, a beautiful art book can make a lovely, inspiring gift. My favourite branding books are “How to Style Your Brand” and “Brand Brilliance” by Fiona Humberstone. Try “White” by Kenya Hara for thoughtful inspiration from Japanese aesthetics or “The Poetics of Space” by Gaston Bachelard. “Palette Perfect”by Lauren Wager is another gorgeous creative book.

I hope you find these ideas helpful when it comes to finding a thoughtful festive gift for your creative friend.